Bella Cafardi - Bella's Slime Shoppe

Bella Cafardi
Owner of Bella's Slime Shoppe
Advantage Home Health Services RN, Lisa Cafardi's Daughter

An Entrepreneur in the Making

Earlier this week, the Advantage marketing department sat down with Advantage Home Health Services RN, Lisa Cafardi’s daughter, Bella, who currently has her own slime-making business and has BIG plans for the future! Check out the full interview below conducted by Advantage Marketing Coordinator, Allie DeBor.

Allie: Hi Bella, thank you so much for coming to the Advantage corporate office and spending some time with us! Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

Bella: Yes! I am 10 years old, in fifth grade and live in Mt. Lebanon. I have had my slime business for a little more than a year. 

Allie: Wow! That is so amazing! What made you want to start your own business?

Bella: I started making slime and was really good at it and I had an idea one day to just start my own business selling it! I know how eBay works and thought I could use it to sell my slime and post pictures of it. My grandma and mom have taught me how to negotiate and learn more about how to price my products. 

Allie: We see that your slime containers have their own label, Bella’s Slime Shoppe. How did you make them yourself?

Bella: I worked with my mom on picking the font for the letters and the colors and now we print them at home ourselves!

Allie: That's great! Now...we want to hear the secret recipe for how to actually make the slime, are you willing to share?

Bella: Sure! It’s easy, it’s just glue (any kind), food dye or paint to make the color you want, “Add- Ins” such as glitter or beads, and then activator, which is.....

(We can't give away her entire recipe!) 

Allie: Wow! That is an interesting recipe and clearly you have mastered it! How do you find time with being a full-time student to make enough that you can sell it?

Bella: I usually come home from school and do my homework first, then I will start a slime recipe, have dinner, and then finish making it afterwards.

Allie: That is great that you always put your school work first! Where all have you sold your slime?

Bella: I have sold to China, Utah, Europe, a lot in Minnesota and of course, locally with my friends.

Allie: That is very impressive! You are already such a businesswoman! What do you want to be when you grow up?

Bella: I really like business and would like to be a business-owner like Amy Hancock here at Advantage. I have friends who all have great skills and we think we could have a business someday.

Allie: That is a great goal Bella and with all of your success already, it is definitely achievable! What is some advice you have for anyone who wants to have their own business?

Bella: 1. Stay in school. 2. Don’t overwhelm yourself with making so many products, take your time and start small. 

Allie: That is really great advice. Thank you so much for telling us about your business and future plans!

Bella also had a tour of the Advantage corporate office and lunch with the staff! She even talked profit margins with our Senior Vice President of Home Health, Bill Gammie! Outside of her business, she likes spending time with her mom and friends. Once again, we want to thank Bella for coming to the corporate office and spending the day with us! 


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