Bryce Hancock, Marketing Intern: Internship

Bryce Hancock
Marketing Intern
Advantage Home Health Services, LLC
AdvantageCare Rehabilitation, LLC

This summer, I started working with Advantage Home Health Services, LLC and AdvantageCare Rehabilitation, LLC (Advantage) as an Intern in the Marketing Department. Advantage was founded in 2003 by CEO/President, Amy Hancock, and is known for their high-quality care for their patients. The company serves the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and employees nearly 800 people.

The main goal of my summer internship was to increase traffic to our Facebook page. As a department, we started the #LetsGetSocial Campaign to raise awareness of our social media to all employees across the state. After successfully achieving my halfway point, I was satisfied with my experience because I was able to apply what I learned in the classroom to my work here at Advantage. To know that what I learned in the only Marketing class I had taken made me successful in this internship, made even the introductory class worthwhile.

During this internship, I also had the responsibility to plan and execute our first Town Hall meetings for the Advantage Home Health Services offices across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I scheduled, monitored and executed the responses of attendees, sign-ins, set-up, tear down and follow-up.

My other goal of this internship was to learn meaningful concepts of real-world marketing that I could not have learned in the classroom. I was fortunate enough to gain a vast knowledge throughout my college career that I was able to apply the important concepts learned in the classroom to my internship. I was also able to learn how to market in real-life situations when traveling for the #LetsGetSocial Campaign.

Meet Bryce Hancock
Bryce Hancock, 22, is a high school graduate from Peters Township School District. He enrolled at West Virginia University. He is about to start the last semester of his undergraduate degree and will graduate in December with a major in Public Relations and a minor in Political Science and Event Planning.


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