Michelle Kostella - My Career Path

Michelle Kostella, PTA
Director of Rehabilitation
Southwestern Nursing Care Center

My Career Path
When I was younger, my passion was always wanting to help people. As I grew, so did my passion; not only to help people but also animals. I came to a time in my life where I needed to choose which path I wanted to follow. Caught in the middle, I decided to become a Physical Therapist.

I started my collegiate career at Slippery Rock University with a major in Allied Health/Community Health. I ultimately transferred to the Community College of Allegheny County and enrolled in their Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) program.

Upon graduation, I received my PTA license and started working as an outpatient PTA. I absolutely loved it, especially the ortho patients (more specifically, total knee replacement patients). After working several years in the outpatient setting, I decided it was time for a change. I started looking for positions in nursing home settings; my least favorite during school! Is tarted working at a local nursing home and knew that's where I was meant to be. After a year, I found myself fascinated with the managerial aspects of the therapy world. As I voiced my interest, my director at the time mentored me. He showed me everything he could from his position. The company I worked for started to make some changes and I knew I wanted to be in management. With the help and guidance of previous supervisors, I took the jump into an Assistant Director of Rehabilitation (ADOR) role which shortly deemed a transition into a Director of Rehabilitation (DOR) role at Southwestern Healthcare Center
As time has gone by, I can honestly say I still love what I do. I love helping others and increasing the quality of their lives. I also love the challenges that come with being a DOR. I enjoy being able to coach, mentor and lead our therapy team to success. I plan to continue on this career path for many years to come.

About Michelle Kostella
Michelle is the Director of Rehabilitation at Southwestern Healthcare Center in Pittsburgh, PA. She stated with AdvantageCare Rehabilitation about four years ago at the Washington County Health Center in Washington, PA. Michelle is a Physical Therapy Assistant by trade.


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