Kathy Kemmerer: A Quick Note About Our Recent Start-Up

Written By: Kathy Kemmerer, LPNAC, RAC-CT 3.0, CPRA
CMI Specialist

A Quick Note About Our Recent Start-Ups  
Now that all the dust has settled after our eventful day of rolling out three start-ups in one day, I have the honor and chance to say what an amazing team we have. On July 24th, we embarked on our start-up with Vincentian Collaborative Systems. We hit a few rough patches throughout the day but we worked together as a team to ensure everything went as smooth as possible. I can't think of another therapy company who could have pulled this off. 

It's a true testament to the commitment of the company and the staff of AdvantageCare Rehabilitation and I am so proud to be such a small part of this ever-growing, amazing team! We are so excited to be a part of Vincentian Collaborative Systems!

Great job everyone!

About Kathy Kemmerer
Kathy brings 36 years of experience to AdvantageCare Rehabilitation as a CMI and Medicare Reimbursement Specialist. She is a Certified Resident Assessment Coordinator. She has been responsible for managing CMI for both county and private facilities, problem solving, auditing MDS's, staying current with  regulatory compliance and training staff. Kathy has a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science.As a nurse, Kathy promotes the interdisciplinary team approach and partnership between nursing and therapy to manage CMI to meet both the clinical needs of the residents and the fiscal goals of the facility. She has been developing and managing care plans since 1985. Through the MDS, CAA, and care plan process, along with a strong mathematical background and closely working with therapy management, she has taken the CMI to a predictable level in both county (where predictable level is key to pay for performance) and private (where predictability is essential to meet budget goals) to a level of certainty in an unpredictable process.


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