Allie DeBor: Childhood Cancer Awareness

Allie DeBor Marketing Assistant Childhood Cancer Awareness “Your child has cancer.” Those were the words my parents heard the afternoon of August 5, 1995. At the age of two, we were just beginning what would be a long journey none of us were prepared for. A few weeks before, I had a persistent cold that wouldn’t seem to go away. I was more tired than usual and in most situations, was found curled up on my mom’s lap, hunched over in pain. After an appointment that felt like days at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, the doctors told my parents that I had been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, a type of blood cancer commonly referred to as ALL. From there I started chemotherapy that caused me to be an insomniac, lose all of my hair and for a period of time even made me paralyzed. I wouldn’t change any of it though, because without it, I wouldn’t be here today. I don’t think I’ll ever forget what I went through those years I had cancer. That being said, ...